Past exhibitions in the children’s museum

Let’s Meet at the Museum – … and go out into town!

Tell me about death! – An interactive exhibition about the before and the afterwards
Tell me about death! ̶ This invitation seems strange in a society that has successfully ousted death from everyday life. And then, of all places, this topic is addressed in an exhibition for children and their parents. How is that supposed to work?

Archinature – Architecture by humans and animals
An interactive hands-on exhibition about human and animal architecture, building culture and the understanding of space.

Listen who’s watching! – A participatory exhibition für children from 5 years
Our eyes and ears constantly collect sounds, images, impressions. What happens with this information in the brain? How do the senses of hearing and seeing function?

Totally driven – Discover how the world moves!
We are constantly on the move, always moving, want to get here and there, we want to get there quickly, we want to get far, we walk, drive, swim, fly, that’s totally crazy – but how exactly does all this mobility work?

HEADFIRST DOWN THE HEART – My body is my home
What if your body was a house? Where would the living room be, where the nursery or the kitchen? And what happens in the bathroom or in the workshop? You can experience this in the „Headfirst down the heart“-House.

WELCOMe@HOTEL GLOBAL – Find out how everything in the world is connected!
Guests from all over the world have booked a room in our hotel. They work in a wide variety of professions and can be found at Hotel Global with their exciting life stories and forward-looking projects from science, culture, technology and business.

TELL ME ABOUT DEATH! – A participatory exhibition about the before and the afterwards
Tell me about death! ̶ This invitation seems strange in a society that has successfully ousted death from everyday life. And then, of all places, this topic is addressed in an exhibition for children and their parents. How is that supposed to work?

The interactive exhibition takes children on a sensory journey to the homes of other children in the world.

Attention family!
Familien sind manchmal klein, manchmal riesengroß. Sie sind manchmal über die ganze Welt verstreut oder sie leben in einer einzigen Stadt.