Kindermuseum_Hör mal wer da guckt!_Hört mich da wer, obwohl ich 50m entfernt bin?

Listen who’s watching!A participatory exhibition für children from 5 years

Our eyes and ears constantly collect sounds, images, impressions. What happens with this information in the brain? How do the senses of hearing and seeing function?

A giant ear, a walk-in mega sound wave and a room in which your shadow becomes colourful, as well as many other stations, answer these questions in a physically experiential and playful way. However, the eye and ear are not only used for orientation and the acquisition of knowledge. We look at someone to see if they are happy, and we even hear bad moods through the telephone. Sounds can awaken memories in us and at some sight our heart beats faster. And perhaps a laugh is sometimes yellow?

The station "Listen who feels" asks to recognise the emotion of a person on the basis of their voice pitch.
The station "Listen who feels" asks to recognise the emotion of a person on the basis of their voice pitch. Photo: Edwin Scharff Museum, Martina Strilic


An exhibition that focuses on the whole person and aims to enable children from the age of 5 to pursue their individual conditions and abilities in a self-confident, loving and active way.

The Edwin Scharff Museum has developed numerous stations for this purpose, where children can consciously perceive emotions and talk about them with their families and friends. Here they experience what other people feel and how they themselves can react to it.

Listening with the bones - can that work? You can find out at the "bone sound"-station.
Listening with the bones – can that work? You can find out at the "bone sound"-station. Photo: Edwin Scharff Museum, Martina Strilic
You can create your own coloured shadow in the exhibition "Listen who’s watching".
You can create your own coloured shadow in the exhibition "Listen who’s watching". Photo: Edwin Scharff Museum, Martina Dach

An exhibition in cooperation with the ZOOM KINDERMUSEUM Wien

We say thank you to the Kindermuseum ZOOM.

And to our sponsors: