Welcome to the website of the

The Edwin Scharff Museum is a house for art lovers as well as for children and families. It is located on Petrusplatz in the middle of Neu-Ulm and unites an art museum and a children’s museum.

The museum is currently closed.

We will reopen on the 20th September, 18.30 pm.

Enjoy your visit online and at the museum!

Dear visitors,

our children’s museum is currently closed as we are building a new hands-on exhibition. We are excited to open our very first production on 26th October 2024 at 2pm!

Until then, you may book one of our excursions into town. Just pick any topic and we’ll pack the museum into a rucksack and explore the town with you. Click here for further information.

Your museum’s team

Current special exhibitions

Dear visitors, we will upload more information on our next special exhibition, opening on the 20th September, very soon. Thank you for your patience.