Kindermusuem_Ganz weit weg und doch so nah_Kinder lernen asiatische Bräuche kennen


The interactive exhibition takes children on a sensory journey to the homes of other children in the world. It is not about the exact depiction of countries, but about an insight into the diversity of life and cultures: How do clothes and hairstyles differ, what is eaten elsewhere, how do people in other countries talk and write, how do they live and work?  

KindFar way and yet so near - at the travel agency
On the way to somewhere – the „Far away“-travel agency. Photo: Edwin Scharff Museum, Nik Schölzel

In dealing with these issues, children, young people and adults experience similarities between cultures, perceive differences as enrichment and learn to appreciate diversity as a value.  

Far way and yet so near - on the international market
On the International Marketplace you can get to know products from faraway countries, you can transport water on your head and much more. Photo: Edwin Scharff Museum, Nik Schölzel
Far away and yet so near - Working as a shoeshine boy
Working as a shoeshine boy – here you can try your hand at it. Photo: Edwin Scharff Museum, Nik Schölzel

The exhibition promotes communication between the cultures and thus promotes integration. In the dialogue on questions of everyday life, mutual understanding grows and the fear of the foreign disappears. Especially for schools with a high migration background, this kind of lively learning can open up new ways of dealing with each other.

An exhibition of the Labyrinth Kindermuseum Berlin