Kindermuseum Architektierisch Koecherfliege
Special exhibition children’s museum

ArchinatureArchitecture by humans and animals

An interactive hands-on exhibition by the Graz Kindermuseum FRida & freD.

Buildings are being built everywhere! Have you already noticed? Apartment blocks, office buildings, schools, train stations, concert halls, shopping centers… Many questions arise for the planners, architects, craftsmen and technicians. Isn’t it great that there are extremely skilful and very experienced animal-experts they can refer to?!

The spider is a master of steel-hard constructions
The spider is a master of steel-hard constructions made of wafer-thin threads. In the exhibition you can try out if you can spin strong webs, too. Photo: Edwin Scharff Museum, Martina Strilic

In our exhibition, ants, beavers, polar bears and many more animals tell you, what, how, where and why they are building. Animals build instinctively. They simply know which material and location to choose, and which size and construction is the right one for their nests, chambers, pits or sticks. Humans, on the other hand, have many different reasons for building complex structures, based around their needs and ideas. They want to achieve a lot with their buildings and show that everything is possible. But the principles of building are the same for humans and animals: you’ll notice that in our exhibition.

Following the example of the ant, you can build houses with solar-powered lights and ventilation systems
Following the example of the ant, you can build houses with solar-powered lights and ventilation systems. Photo: Edwin Scharff Museum, Martina Strilic

In our children’s museum you have a lot to do: You can build a bridge or a tree house, create exciting facades, find out how big an accommodation actually has to be and construct your own dream house. You will get inspired by the animals how to use as little energy or space as possible and find your favourite building material.
Whether you’ll be using scissors and glue, string and file, computer and spirit level, whether your buildings are whacky, useful, stable or daring, small or large: Build whatever you like and find out what you enjoy about architecture and building culture!

The wasp is a paper artist and sophisticated lightweight designer
The wasp is a paper artist and sophisticated lightweight designer. At the station you can furnish your own house with paper walls. How many rooms does yours have? Photo: Edwin Scharff Museum, Martina Strilic

Exhibition folder (in German)

Our creative programme for the exhibition

Since the exhibition will be on display at the children’s museum for two years, we have expanded our creative programme: In addition to accompanied visits to the exhibition that offer basic information on the topic, we offer special workshops and activities, both inside and outside the museum (see below).

Our pedagogical team is looking forward to providing children and young people with content about “Archinature” with age-appropriate, interactive concepts. 

Teachers and educators can book the programme for school classes, pre-school children and groups of any composition in the museum.

The team asks for an early reservation (at least two weeks in advance),, including the following information: desired date, school/institution, contact person, class level, class size, telephone number and e-mail address.

Fünf Kinder sitzen um einen Tisch herum, auf dem ein Gebilde aus Ästen vorkonstruiert ist. Wie ein Orang-Utan bauen sie Häuser in diese kleinen Bäume.

The possibilities for linking the programmes to the school curricula are extremely diverse. Imagination, creativity, as well as communication, teamwork, problem-solving and social skills are encouraged in the exhibition. We have also highlighted a wide range of specific curriculum links, for example on the subjects „Human and Nature“ or „Building and Construction“. The contents of the exhibition are also aimed at higher grades.

Whether it’s a company trip, an idea for your birthday or a inspiring team experience: adult groups are also welcome in our hands-on exhibition! If you have any requrements or special wishes, please send us an e-mail.

Programme: Inside

Accompanied exhibition visitDuration: 1.5 to 2 hours

Exhibition visit with our pedagogical team

Target group: pre-school children, school classes and groups of all ages

Accompanied exhibition visit & workshopDuration: 1.5 to 2 hours; with workshop: 2.5 to 3 hours

On the way with Sam, the sewer rat, and Manfred, the mole—programme with hand puppets

Target group: from 3 years to 2nd grade

Rat Sam and mole Manfred know their way around the architectural world. Although the two are so diff

Die Handpuppe Sam, eine Ratte, die eine Perlenkette trägt, sitzt zwischen Ästen an der Station zum Orang-Utan.

Accompanied exhibition visitDuration: 1.5 to 2 hours

Tracking the climate

Target group: 1st to 6th grade

Climate detectives of all ages are looking for some climate clues! Not only ants and termites are ex

Accompanied exhibition visit & workshopDuration: 2 to 3 hours (exhibition visit and workshop)

Where do YOU feel comfortable?

Target group: 2 to 4th grade

Although the exhibition introduces 16 animals, you first think of a new one, a fantasy animal. Then

Accompanied exhibition visit & workshopDuration: 2 to 2.5 hours (exhibition visit and workshop)

We found Pappingen!

Target group: 2nd to 6th grade

Knight Papp’s castle has become too small! So he is looking for a suitable place to rebuild his town

Das Foto zeigt, wie Kinder an der Station Pappingen eine Stadt aus Karton gebaut haben. Es gibt unterschiedliche Gebäude, Straßenschilder und eine Brücke über einen Fluss.
Accompanied exhibition visit & workshopDuration: 2.5 hours (exhibition visit and workshop); also bookable with a workshop part up to 4.5 hours and with a tour through Neu-Ulm

Skyline of Neu-Ulm. Architecture collage

Target group: from 3rd grade, secondary schools, groups of all ages

After a visit to the exhibition, you create your own virtual, possible or impossible ideal architect

Programme: Outside

A previous visit to the exhibition is recommended, but not redquired.

WorkshopDuration: 2 hours | location: Neu-Ulm, city centre

Animals in the city? In search of wild animals and their dwellings in Neu-Ulm

Target group: 3rd to 5th grade

Cities are places where many people live in a confined space. Is there still room for animals? Toget

WorkshopDuration: 6 hours (including breaks); special arrangements possible

Climate protector, supplier of raw materials, recreation area: Let’s go into the wood

Target group: primary and secondary schools, groups of all ages

Worldwide, half of all animals and plants that are located on land live in forests! Many animal spec

WorkshopDuration: 1.5 to 2.5 hours; can also be booked as a 6-hour action day including exhibition visit


Target group: from 3rd grade, secondary schools, groups of all ages

In or out of the city – with a compass, walkie-talkies, clotheslines and stamps we discover the ci

Ein Kind hält verschiedene Karten aufgefächert in der Hand. Eine andere Kinderhand zieht eine Karte. Die Karten sind Teil eines Spieles, mit dem man die Stadt entdeckt.

More offers for the exhibition

Additional offers

Guided tours for specific target groups

the museum team provides for schools or groups of people with special needs.

Additional offers

Guided tours in other languages

are possible on request.

Additional offers

Children's birthdays with their friends in the museum:

You are welcome to book an offer from our creative programme.

Additional offers

Further training for teachers, educators, multipliers

are possible on request.

Tours, workshops and events related to the exhibition
You can find further programmes in our calender.

We would like to thank the Graz children’s museum FRida & freD for the interactive exhibition.
And our sponsors: