Legal Notice
according to Article 5 of the German Telemedia Act (§ 5 Telemediengesetz)
Please note: German shall be the legal language of these legal notice, and all parties waive any right to use and/or rely upon any other language, translation or interpretation. In the case of any inconsistencies or interpretation disputes, the German language version shall control.
Edwin Scharff Museum und Städtische Sammlungen Neu-Ulm
Hermann-Köhl-Str. 12
89231 Neu-Ulm
T. +49 731 7050-2520
The City of Neu-Ulm is a public corporation.
It is represented by Mayor Albsteiger.
VAT number according to the German Value Added Tax Law (§ 27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz): DE 130861141
Responsible for the content
Dr. Helga Gutbrod
Edwin Scharff Museum und
Städtische Sammlungen Neu-Ulm
T. +49 731 7050-2520
Edwin Scharff Museum
Web design, programming
Studio Süd, Ravensburg
Conception, Art Direction
Studio Süd, Ravensburg
Nik Schölzel, Neu-Ulm
Martina Dach
mit beDACHt
Martina Strilic
Electronic communication
Electronic communication with the City of Neu-Ulm according to Article 3a of the Bavarian Administrative Procedures Act – Bayerisches Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz (BayVwVfG):
The City of Neu-Ulm provides various possibilities of electronic communication. The following guidelines shall apply for the transmission of electronic documents to the City of Neu-Ulm:
1. For electronic communication please use the email addresses published in our Rathauswegweiser – an alphabetic list of e-mail addresses – on the website of the City of Neu-Ulm.
2. The City of Neu-Ulm shall only accept the following file formats:
· Text files in ANSI format (*.txt)
· Rich Text Format (*.rft)
· Word for Windows, Version 2000 and older (*.doc)
· Excel for Windows, Version 2000 and older (*.xls, *.xlw) ·
· XANIA-files (*.xan)
· Portable Data File Version 5.1 and older (*.pdf)
· Joint Photographic Expert Group files (*.jpg)
· Graphics Interchange Format files (*.gif)
· Tag Image File Format files (*.tif)
· Bitmap Pictures (*.bmp)
· Any other file format may only be accepted with the recipient’s explicit consent. No automated processes or programming (e.g. macros) may be used in the above-mentioned file formats.
3. Due to technical reasons, we are not yet able to decode encrypted e-mails. Therefore, please send any confidential information by post.
4. Any transaction of electronic documents and forms requiring a signature, may only be accepted if the correspondence and enclosure include a qualified electronic signature.
Any correspondence of this nature may only be send to the following address: signatur@neu-ulm.de.
5. You may also send the file formats mentioned above (see item 2) as compressed files, i.e. not self-extracting ZIP-archives (*.zip).
6. We prefer you use the electronic forms provided on the websites of the City of Neu-Ulm.
7. In case it is impossible to process your email, you shall be notified by the recipient. This may be due to viruses, general technical issues, or non-compliance with technical requirements mentioned above.
8. These guidelines apply only to communication with the City of Ulm and do not apply to third parties, like e.g. other authorities.
On our website you will find various links to other websites. The following shall apply to all the links: The City of Neu-Ulm has no influence on the content or design of these websites. We have no control over and shall accept no liability for the contents of websites not provided by departments of the City of Neu-Ulm.
The Edwin Scharff Museum carefully researched and checked all the information on these websites. Any link to a third-party website is provided for convenience only. However, we shall accept no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, and for these websites being up to date.
© Stadt Neu-Ulm. All rights reserved.
Social Media
This Legal Notice (Impressum) also applies to the Edwin Scharff Museum’s social media account:
Instagram (edwinscharffmuseum)
Disability by Mohamad Arif Prasetyo from the Noun Project
Car by Mohamad Arif Prasetyo from the Noun Project
Dog by Danil Polshin from the Noun Project
Baby changing by Anniken & Andreas from the Noun Project
Map Pin by Florent B from the Noun Project
Time by arjuazka from the Noun Project
Money by Nick abraham from the Noun Project
Euro by AomAm from the Noun Project
Children by Trishul from the Noun Project
id by Husein Aziz from the Noun Project
Blind eye by Yudha Agung Gumelar from the Noun Project
Deaf by MRFA from the Noun Project