special event . outdoor spaces - Inside views:

Artistic stroll through Neu-Ulm with Denise Winter

The strolls with artists who do not live in Neu-Ulm encourage open perception and exchange about urban space and art in public space. They enable new views of the supposedly familiar city of Neu-Ulm.

The artist Denise Winter encounters urban spaces, their peculiarities and sometimes memorable details with a decidedly alert eye. She has dealt with the quite fashionable format of the walk or stroll in seminars and workshops. In Neu-Ulm, she is particularly interested in the deviations from the rectangular street grid and the church of St. Johann Baptist – especially since she has already created an impressive performance for the pilgrimage church in Neviges (also by the architect Gottfried Böhm) in the past.

Meeting point: Edwin Scharff Museum Neu-Ulm

Event type

  • special event

Target group

  • adults
  • young people