„Democracy at every step“ – Intercultural city tour for children and adults
as part of the Intercultural Week 2022
The Intercultural Week takes place in Germany from the end of September to the beginning of October. The nationwide action week has existed for more than 40 years. This year’s motto is “#offen geht” (open works). In keeping with this, the Edwin Scharff Museum is offering free events.
Intercultural city tour on the Day of Democracy
In many places in Neu-Ulm you can discover a wide variety of cultural influences that make our city really worth living in. But we are all responsible for making sure we can live together in peace and harmony. What can we contribute to this? Perhaps we will come up with some ideas during this city walk!
Admission free
Meeting point: Entrance of the Edwin Scharff Museum
Tour will take place mainly in German but we welcome everyone